| December 14, 2019

Edited by Marina Resendes Santos, Mairead Case, Nora Catlin, Ed Marszewski, Maddy Stocking, and Nick Wylie; contribution from Annas on pages 10-13.

In Fall 2019, Public Media Institute organized Togetherism, a series of programs experimenting with horizontal, collective art-making and organizing. Between August and November 2019, artist collectives and community leaders, criminalized youth and teen activists, radical printmakers, curators and architects gathered for exhibitions and panels, workshops, and river tours.

Togetherism, the Lumpen Winter 2020 Issue of the same title, asks, “What does it mean to work collectively in the time of isolated, individualized labor in the arts and beyond? Why do groups come together, and how do they fall apart?”

Annas’ Co-Founders and 2019 Resident Maggie Wong offered thoughts on the question, among other contributors such as, but not limited to Architexx, ATOM-R, Camel Collective, Industry of the Ordinary, Justseeds, Postcommodity, Related Tactics, Sex Militant, Temporary Services and Videokaffe.

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